Theatre Director and Creative Producer.


Curriculum Vitae - Johan Bark



2017-2018: Masters in Fine Arts in Theatre Directing with Distinction, The Lir National Academy of Dramatic Arts, Dublin, Ireland.

2014-2017: ‘First Class’ Bachelors with Honours in European Theatre Arts, Rose Bruford College, London, UK.

2016: ‘Erasmus exchange’ at the Estonian Academy of Theatre and Music, Tallinn, Estonia.

work experience:

2024: Director of ‘A Christmas Carol’ at Västerås Kongress, Västerås, Sweden.

2024: Director of ‘Evil Dead - The Musical’ for Swann Entertainment, Stockholm, Sweden.

2024: Director of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ at Vallby Sommarnöje, Västerås, Sweden.

2024: Director of ‘Celebrity’ by Elizabeth Moynihan at Glass Mask Theatre, Dublin, Ireland.

2024: Director of ‘Mother and Child’ by Jon Fosse at Glass Mask Theatre, Dublin, Ireland.

2024: Director of ‘Att vara eller inte vara’ / ‘To Be or Not to Be’ at Kulturhuset Stadsteatern, Stockholm, Sweden.

2023: Director of ‘ARLINGTON’ at Ö2 Scenkonst, Stockholm, Sweden.

2023: Director of ‘Folk and Fairytales’ at DELIGHT STUDIOS, Stockholm, Sweden.

2023: Director of ‘Om det att vara Människa’ at Nobel Prize Museum, Stockholm, Sweden.

2023: Assistant Director for ‘Tysk Höst’ at Uppsala Stadsteater, Uppsala, Sweden. Director: Anna Takanen.

2023: Director of ÅTERVÄNDAREN #2 at Säfstaholms Slott, Vingåkers Kommun, Vingåker, Sweden.

2023: Director of ACT by Lars Norén at Glass Mask Theatre, Dublin, Ireland.

2023: Associate Director for M/S Tiamantti at Dramaten, Stockholm, Sweden. Director: Anna Takanen.

2023: Director of Återkomsten at Örebro Teater, Sweden.

2022: Director of The Replacement, final third year show at Rose Bruford College, London, UK.

2022: Assistant Director and Project Leader for $VITEN at Intiman Theatre, Stockholm. Director: Lisa Ohlin.

Summertime, 2016-2019. 2022: Project Assistant at the International Summer Program, the Watermill Center, New York, US. Summertime. Artistic Director: Robert Wilson.

2020-2022: Assistant Director for the Sound of Music at Kulturhuset Stadsteatern, Stockholm, Sweden.
Director: Ronny Danielsson.

2022: Director of Återvändaren #1, a collaboration with Vingåker Culture School, Vingåker, Sweden.

2021-2022: Director of Möt mig i Gryningen, in collaboration with BATALJ Scenkonst at Teater Tre later transferred to the Stockholm City Theatre, Stockholm, Sweden.

2022: Director of BOOMERS by Awake Projects, touring nationally, Sweden.

2022: Part of the feedback group, ‘LÄNK-projektet’ with Riksteatern, Sweden.

2021: Project Leader, ‘Nobel Calling’ Sergels Torg, in collaboration with Nobel Prize Museum, Stockholm, Sweden.

2020: Assistant Director for A Doll House at Västmanlands Teater, Västerås, Sweden. Director: Monica Wilderoth.

2020: Director for The Wonderful World of Dissocia by Anthony Neilson, London, UK.

2020: Project Leader for the Västerås City Street Musicians, Västerås, Sweden.

2020: Producer for Awake Projects, Västerås, Sweden.

2020: Assistant Director for Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf at Örebro Länsteater, Örebro, Sweden. Director: Rikard Lekander.

2020: Project Manager for opera Fidelio! by the Swedish Chamber Orchestra, the Swedish Radio Choir and Örebro Länsteater. Tour to Örebro, Stockholm, Brussels, Paris and Essen.

2019: Producer at Örebro Länsteater, Örebro, Sweden.

2018: Assistant Director for Lady of the Lake by Awake Projects, Västerås, Sweden. Director: Christopher Sivertsen.

2018: Assistant Director for De Skyddssökande at Kulturhuset Stadsteatern, Stockholm, Sweden. Director: Dritëro Kasapi.

2018: Director for Demons by Lars Norén, Dublin, Ireland.

2018: Director for I Remember… in Dublin, Ireland. Devised theatre piece.

2016-2017: Director, Producer and Marketer for The Crossing Place. Devised by the Romantika Theatre Company. Performed in Sweden, France, England and Scotland.

2017: Director, Producer and Marketer for What Lies Beneath. Devised by the Romantika Theatre Company. Performed in France, England and Scotland.

2017: Co-Director with Eva March for P.A.T.S. by Yellow Collective Theatre Company (Spain). Performed in England, France and Portugal.

2017: Director for This Is The Loudest Moment of Silence. Devised by the ensemble. Performed in London, UK.

2016: Director for Normal by Anthony Neilson. Performed in London, UK.

2014: Project Assistant at The 2014 Outreach Project, The North Wall Arts Centre, Oxford, UK. Directors: John Hoggarth and Ria Parry.

2014: Project Assistance for festival event Awake Me UP! 2014, Västerås, Sweden.

2013: Project Assistance and Musician for the Awake Projects 2013 Summer Tour, Oxford and Edinburgh, UK.

2012-2013: Coordinator for festival event Awake Me UP! 2013, Västerås, Sweden.


2020: The Västmanland Region Culture Grant, Sweden.
2020: The Västerås City Culture Grant, Sweden.
2015: The Irma Barklund Music Grant, Sweden.


2022 - 2024: Board member and secretary for Swedish stage directors section at Fackförbundet Scen&Film.


Anna Takanen, renowned Swedish theatre director and actor, former Artistic Director of both the City Theatre in Stockholm, and Gothenburg: or 073-051 79 34.

Robert Wilson, award-winning director and multidisciplinary artist: or +1 (917) 669-3590.

Ronny Danielsson, renowned Swedish theatre and musical director: or +46706514034.

International Press about previous directing work:

“Gränserna sprängs för vad en Folkparkteaterscen ens kan vara. Det är för mycket, för häftigt, för läskigt, för skruvat, för ... bra! Upplevelsen är i högsta grad oväntad, och därtill magisk.”

“För det första. Vi ska vara väldigt stolta över teaterregissören Johan Bark, som kommer från Västerås… Han har på kort tid visat sig vara lika delar ett teatergeni och energiknippe.

”Det är roligt, det är det, men mest av allt är det väldigt coolt och oväntat bråddjupt.”

“Hela produktionen, i vilken Bark står för regi och scenografi, andas internationell musikteater. Det är allt annat än lättsmält. Det är inte mellanmjölk, putslustigt eller trevligt - det är något helt annat.”
— Jessica Haas Forsling, VLT ("Västmanlands Länstidning") about Alice i Underlandet (2024).
“Director Johan Bark heroically adds abstract and manic movement to ramp up energy.”

“Bark is also the designer and the show has a distinct visual polish... His costumes are a stylish mix... Clever use of mirrors reflects the audience back on itself — an invitation to search for meaning within rather than on the stage.”
— The Irish Independent about Mother and Child (2024).
“Johan Bark har skrivit ett gripande och trovärdigt drama”.

”Men pjäsen handlar om så mycket mer, om kärlek, föräldraskap, och känslan av otillräcklighet”.

”I slutscenen... knyts föreställningen ihop på ett mycket snyggt sätt. Inte ett öga i den lilla salongen var torrt, det kan jag nästan lova”.
— Måns Uggla, NA ("Nerikes Allehanda") about Återkomsten (2023).
“Starkt och välspelat... Batalj Scenkonst lyckas hålla situationen öppen, och osäkerheten vid liv... Ett mysteriespel som ytterst handlar om behovet av att försona sig med något oåterkalleligt.”
— Lars Ring, SvD ("The Swedish Daily News") about Möt mig I Gryningen (2021).
”This is a strange and moving piece of physical theatre, high-octane and cerebral.”
— ★★★★ - BroadwayBaby about The Crossing Place (2017).
“Visually striking... A beautiful piece of physical theatre which should be highly commended”
— ★★★★ - Edfringe Review about What Lies Beneath (2017).
”This imaginative, experimental piece keeps the viewer gripped and entertained.”
— ★★★★ - ThreeWeeks Magazine about The Crossing Place (2017).